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Meet like-minded people

We’re a community-owned company of AI experts. Join, connect, and grow with us.

The AI experts are here.
Join them!

A community where AI experts can connect, learn, and earn.

AI Architect

Joining the Wennect Discord community has been an incredible perk. It's a vibrant space where I can seek help, share knowledge, and connect with like-minded people.

AI Engineer

Wennect is not a faceless company, there’s always someone available to answer my questions.

AI Developer

Working on long-term projects, removes the stress of having to constantly find new work.

AI Developer

Interesting projects, top-name clients, and a supportive community.

AI Architect

Finally, a company that is transparent with fees.

Wennect in numbers

Current jobs
Active community members
Developers waiting to be vetted

Be inside AI change

Meet other AI practitioners and leaders online to learn, be inspired, and stay updated. Connect with the Wennect team on Discord to ask questions and engage further.

Talks & workshops

Attend talks and workshops hosted within the Wennect community. Connect with like-minded AI enthusiasts, domain leaders, and practitioners.

Share and learn

Expand your knowledge and skills by attending online presentations and discussions held by leaders in the community.

Transform into AI

Wennect offers an educational path for engineers and programmers looking to dive into the world of AI. Join us to embrace AI's transformative power

Partnerships Program

With Wenenct Ambassador program you can get more from the work you do. Join to support community-led projects, earn Wennect tokens, and grow your professional network.

Ambassador Grants

Are you an influencer or have a solid digital presence in the technology community? Earn more through our Ambassador Grants. Help Wennect grow presence and brand awareness through content creation, social advocacy, viral campaigns, and partnerships.

Educator Grants

Are you an influencer or have a solid digital presence in the technology community? Earn more through our Ambassador Grants. Help Wennect grow presence and brand awareness through content creation, social advocacy, viral campaigns, and partnerships.

Web3 Devs Poland Meetups

Meet other top tech talent at events hosted by Poland’s largest community of Web3 developers.


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Community tech leaders

Wennect Community Leaders are on-hand to offer you support and answer any of your questions.

Konrad Kokosa

CEO at • Co-funder of

I have been consulting IT projects for over a decade. As a Co-Founder and an author of the book Pro .NET Memory Management, I support the Wennect community by sharing my .NET knowledge.

Kacper Sieradziński

CTO at Dokodu, Youtuber

I am a web developer, Python enthusiast & trainer and PHP developer - this is the expertise I share with the Wennect community. I also run the "Kacper Sieradzinski" Youtube channel, where I educate future developers.

Kamil Dzieniszewski

Web3 Consulant & Front-end Developer

JavaScript Community Leader. I share materials about JavaScript and micro-frontend, a former organizer of Warsaw meet.js, and an advisor for web3 start-up. I share with the Wennect community my Frontend Development and JS knowledge.

Wojciech Harzowski

CTO & Co-Founder of Fungies

I am constantly exploring and building in the Blockchain space. I am the CTO and Co-Founder of - a company that provides infrastructure for Web3 games. I support Wennect with my knowledge of blockchain technology.

Kajetan Duszyński

Co-founder of Szkoła Dotneta

Creator of Szkoła Dotneta, vlogger, podcaster, and an entrepreneur looking to help as many people as possible to enter the tech world through .NET. In the Wennect community, I am eager to share knowledge in the area of .NET.